Thursday, January 31, 2008

Meet Jack the Cat

Handsome fellow, isn't he? Now here is the BUT! Captain Jack Sparrow came to live with us about three and a half years ago. He was so tiny ...he fit in one hand. Now, he weighs about 18 pounds and likes to walk on us when we are in bed which is the only 'safe haven' for petting him.... on the bed, that is. (Tex claims Jack has knowledge of human anatomy and deliberately walks on his -Tex's- bladder around 5:30 every morning!) At other times, it is an understatement to say that he is unpredictable. In self defence, we had him declawed, but he still has teeth...and, although he is getting better, he bites. Thus we are very cautious about trying to pet him outside of the bedroom.....visitors are warned, but don't always heed the danger. Like his namesake, Jack is a pirate and quite capable of betraying you even as he smiles, rubs your leg, lovingly looks into your eyes, and chomps down on any convenient appendage! Last Sunday I was lounging in the recliner elbow deep in a romance novel (more about my vice later) when Jack pops up in the arm and nudges my hand to the top of his head. "What do you want, Jack?" "Pets." says Jack. Not one to miss an opportunity to be kind to the scaliwag I scratched and petted him for about 10 minutes...Could our resident villain be mellowing? He still has not won my complete trust, but we are working on a truce. Ah, Jack ....we really want to love you and you make it so difficult!


Anonymous said...

Ah, Jack's reputation can always be recaptured with a single act of unprovoked violence. Also, just so the millions of blogg-readers know we are not ignorant, we know that heifers (by definition) don't have calves (that is baby cattle, not lower leg muscles). We just like the aliteration and gender reference.
R.K. Tex

Cowgirl Betty said...

Give the scaliwag a scratch for me!