Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I'm just learning (..say does this thing have a spell check?...oh dear, I'm in trouble!)...Courtesy of my calf, Betty, who created this lovely place, today I start my first ( I've always hated jargon. Only those who are "in" understand the terminology are privileged enough to participate in the conversation. )

I'm 61 years old, retired and enjoying life. Well, I've always enjoyed life. I was born in Texas, but never really felt much like a Texan. At 23 (1970)..almost husband and I moved to Denver and never looked back. We moved all our earthly possessions in the back of Triumph Spitfire....that included an imperious Siamese Cat who had just been neutered. She was not very pleased. Between 1970 and 1981, I learned to ski, started backpacking, had a baby. By 1981, Betty was old enough to graze own her own, so I started back to work. For 24 years I worked as an English as a second language ...uh.."specialist"...I also don't the word teacher..because you really can't teach anyone can only help them learn.

Marrying and becoming a mother helped me grow-up and see that my own wants and needs weren't always as important to me as those of my family.

Working with English language learners helped me widen my world and learnhow insulated my life had always been.

More later. That's enough for today.